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Based in Stafforshire and covering the Midlands, Timothy Warr Antique Restoration offers expert and friendly advise on all aspects of antique restoration. Specializing in Traditional French polishing, veneer and frame work, cane and rush seating and modern finishes. Traditional and modern upholstery is also undertaken and a large selection of fabrics books and leathers are always available. Timothy Warr also sells quality antique seating, upholstered in modern designer fabrics and cow hides. Established in 1998 and with more than 14 years experience with free quotations, free collection and free delivery.
Timothy Warr Antique Restoration

Rowley Park
Hamstall Ridware
WS15 3SL

Tel. 01889 504163

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714