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Opening Hours: Tue-Sat 12:00PM - 5:00PM

Phone: (310) 391-6233

You will not find more passionate people when it comes to military antiques than we are at Collectors Armoury in Culver City, CA. Everyone here is a collector just like you, so we know how satisfying it can be to find that perfect item that brings a whole collection together.

We have more than 40 years of experience in this field, which means that we are armed with the necessary knowledge to bring you the best pieces available today. We know just what to look for and what our clients want to see at Collectors Armoury. With us, you never have to fear purchasing a fake item. We have enough experience and expertise to be able to tell authentic military antiques from fake ones.

We will also buy pieces from you if you have some you would like to sell. We will give you an excellent price for your collectibles, so stop by with your items to receive an estimate.

If you live in Culver City, CA and are looking to expand your antique arms and armor collection, you have to come see our stock at Collectors Armoury. By shopping in our store, you will find the best antique items at the best prices around. Stop by today and ask us about our weapons!
Collectors Armoury

5405 Sepulveda Blvd

Los Angeles

Tel. (310) 391-6233

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714