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A vibrant Flea Market and Craft Fair at the West Woodlands Showground, Frome - OVER 100 indoor and outdoor stalls with antique, vintage and retro items, artisans, makers and crafters. The Showground Pavilion is an extremely large and airy building, being very accessible with 9 doors so unloading is easy, with help also available if required. We also have an onsite auction which regularly includes over 800 lots of bygones, collectables and general items by the established Auctioneers Magpie Auctions. We also hold a Classic Car Meet and Live Music is played throughout the day and there are children's fairground rides. Onsite catering, toilets and lots of FREE parking next to the pavilion, with between 1,200 - 2,000 visitors attending each of our events. Pitches £15 %BOLD_ON%Admission:%BOLD_OFF% £1 (over 16s) %BOLD_ON%Open:%BOLD_OFF% 9am - 3pm
West Woodlands Antique Craft & Collectors Fair

West Woodlands Showground Pavilion
Bunns Lane, West Woodlands
BA11 5ES

Tel. 07722 752404

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