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Based near Redruth, in Cornwall, we offer a professional antique restoration service, specialising in french polishing, veneer and woodwork repairs. All of our furniture is restored sympathetically, to ensure that the age of the piece is retained, giving it a new lease of life for generations to come! Often a simple restoration process is all that is needed to bring a piece back to life again. Traditional skills, techniques. tools and materials are always used when possible, which helps to retain the originality of the piece throughout the restoration process. Although we are primarily a restoration workshop, we do have a small but excellent selection of antique furniture. by appointment. City and Guilds qualified, 1992.
Elm Tree Furniture

Private dealer
By appointment only
Near Redruth
TR16 4NY

Tel. 07812063740

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714