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Christopher Mudd Design are specialists in bespoke furniture and kitchens. Our large showroom comprises of a varied selection of our signature pieces, including beautifully painted kitchens, farmhouse dressers, tables and bench seats. Our products are complimented by our varied collection of antiques and unusual decorative items, ranging from traditional chesterfield sofas, beer barrels, trunks, enamel factory shades and mannequins.

We welcome all visitors and can offer trade discount, no appointment necessary. Large car park and loading area.

Open:Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 1pm - 5pm
Christopher Mudd Design

Pearl Mill
Buxton Road
ST13 6EJ

Tel. 01538 371284

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714