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Tell your friends... masses of visitors each July, come and see why! THE largest International vintage and antique in Leicestershire returns with so many traders in such a great space! Amble through the halls, corridors and onto the outdoor arena, pick your way through the diverse range of traders who share your passion for quirky finds from days gone by. Free Parking, dogs welcome. Entry £3 For all bookings call 07375 999 288 Stags Fairs %BOLD_ON%Open%BOLD_OFF% 9am - 3pm. %BOLD_ON%Admission%BOLD_OFF% £3 entry, children free.
Leicester International Antique Collectors & Vintage Fair

Fullhurst Campus
Imperial Avenue

Tel. 07375999288

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714