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Specialising in the repair and restoration of antique and period wooden furniture, our approach is based on conservation and preservation using traditional techniques. We undertake a variety of repairs,from simple renovation and polishing to the replacement of missing veneer and parts, including carved and turned parts. In the worst cases we undertake total dismantling, reconstruction and restoration,matching old timber and conserving as much of the original as possible within the limits of structural integrity. We also replace desk, box leathers and bookshelf edging from a full range of colours and tooling and can replace baize card table tops. Free inspection and quotation. Opening hours by appointment only. Items are occasionally for sale. TO VIEW OUR STOCK FOR SALE PLEASE VIEW OUR LISTING UNDER ANTIQUE SHOPS. (click on the blue antique shops button above the map at the top of the page)
Potter Antiques

Private dealer

East Sussex

Tel. +44 (0)7768 274461

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