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Jones of Shropshire (as seen on SALVAGE HUNTERS) is an Antique, Vintage, Retro and Salvage centre located on the Bridgnorth Road. Over 6000ft and 35 quality dealers under one roof in a user friendly lay out. We stock the quirky, the unusual and the traditional ranging from mid century, French antiques, to industrial and architectural reclamation. Ample free parking and refreshments available on site. Trade buyers are always welcome. Monthly Yard sale. Opening Hours 1000 - 1500 - Mon - Fri 1000 - 1600 - Sat 1100 - 1600 - Sun Tel No 07949 376 175
Jones of Shropshire - Vintage, Retro & Antiques Centre

Rudge Heath Nurseries
Bridgnorth Road
Rudge Heath

Tel. 01746 710 033

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714