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We have been established since 1978, dealing in and restoring most antiques, specialising in clocks. We have our own on-site workshops where we carry out specialist restoration work to clocks, including movements, dials and cases. Our shop is well worth a visit if you are interested in any aspect of our business, we have an eclectic mix of antiques and styles for most tastes and budgets. We pride ourselves that you will be most welcome to browse at your leisure without obligation and we will always find time to have a chat whether you are serious collector or just new to antiques and interest to know more. Worboys have facilities for worldwide packing and shipping and send off several consignments every week.
Worboys Antiques and Clocks of Beaconsfield

The Old Forge, Up Corner,
Silver Hill,
Chalfont St Giles,

Tel. 01494 931812

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714