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We are family based antique dealers with over 25 years experience in the art world. We have a very good grasp of the art world's history and spent the first 12 years standing at antique fairs getting to know many vital connection all over the country. I have a BA (Hons) in Fine Art Valuation and worked for 5 years as a valuer and auctioneer of antiques in various busy antique auction houses.

We have a wide and varied range of professional and personal customers. The National Trust, Various Public Collections, BBC, production and prop companies as well as various studios. We also regularly work within the Antique and Art trade both nationally and internationally. Shipping regularly all over the world with our international clients as well as servicing our domestic British customers we always endevour to make all transactions as seemless as possible.

We absolutely love our subject and are passionate about it.
Mews Antiques

Private dealer
By appointment only
Droitwich Spa

Tel. 01905 923702

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714