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Koopman Rare Art are an antique silver dealer in London, based on Chancery Lane and are known for holding one of the largest collections of high quality English silver in London including pieces from celebrated silversmiths such as Paul Storr, Paul De Lamerie and Robert Garrard.

Located in the heart of London’s silver district on Chancery Lane, with a large shop at the entrance to the London Silver Vaults. Close to Chancery Lane underground station.

Members of BADA and CINOA, we also deal in objets de vertu.

Open 9-5.30, Monday to Friday, and 10 – 1pm on Saturdays
Koopman Rare Art

53-64 Chancery Lane
Close to Chancery Lane Tube Station.


Tel. 0207 2427 624

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714