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Freshfords Antiques specialise in 18th & 19th Century English Furniture. Stock is of the highest quality and is always chosen for its originality, design and of course style. Each carefully selected piece is extensively researched and illustrated online using superb photographic images together with detailed information and provenance, allowing their customers to buy with complete confidence.

Our reputation has been built on sourcing outstanding pieces of furniture by all the leading makers and designers such as Chippendale, Sheraton, Hope and Holland, and they are one of the leading dealers in furniture from the eminent firm of Gillow.

As elected members of BADA and LAPADA they pride themselves not only in their stock but also their attention to detail in providing customers with the best possible service.
Freshfords Fine Antiques

Private dealer
By appointment only
North Somerest

Tel. 01225 722111

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714