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Doe and Hope
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Private dealer, by appointment
The Onion Barn, Shoe Cottage
15 High Street, Blunham,
Bedfordshire, MK44 3NL.
Please don't hesitate to contact us for an appointment.
Antique Floor MirrorsAntique Shaving MirrorsArt Deco MirrorsCheval MirrorsConvex MirrorsDressing MirrorsDressing Table MirrorsFairground MirrorsFrench MirrorsGilt MirrorsGiltwood MirrorsGirandole MirrorsAntique Hand MirrorsOval MirrorsOvermantle MirrorsAntique Painted MirrorsPier MirrorsTable MirrorsAntique Toilet MirrorsTrumeau MirrorsWall Mirrors
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for sale
Found 4 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 4. (85 Archived/Sold)
Rare George III Rosewood Concave Wall Mirror C1800
$996.88 €904.19
French Iron Framed Triangular Wall Mirror C.1940
$1221.99 €1108.37
Italian Neoclassical Painted Trumeau Mirror C.1820
$4823.63 €4375.13
Fine George II Figured Walnut Dressing Mirror 1730
$1093.36 €991.7
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