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Tel. (00 44) 0 1565 874075
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The Barn, Oak Tree Farm, Knutsford Road,
Mobberley, Cheshire, WA16 7PU

Rare Set Of 12 Ceramic Tiles Circa 1900.

A set of tiles by Craven Dunnill, who have been in operation from the 1870s, from circa 1900. They are in great condition with good colour. They were removed from a piece of furniture a while ago and replaced with a piece of marble. We thought they would be used before now but as they have not, they can be sold. It is rare to find a set these days and really rare to find a set of 12 unless they have been in a fireplace and then they usually have damage. They look as if the were delivered last week not 100 plus years ago. Description
standard 6inch square tileDimensions
c 1900Date
01565 874075Contact
£135  Price
Euro & Dollar conversion rates as of 5/MAR/2025
Always confirm final price with dealer

Seller's Details Limited EditionsSeller
The Barn, Oak Tree FarmAddress
Knutsford Road, Mobberley 
Knutsford, Cheshire 
WA16 7PU 
01565 874075Telephone

Contact Seller