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Tel. (00 44) 0 1565 874075
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The Barn, Oak Tree Farm, Knutsford Road,
Mobberley, Cheshire, WA16 7PU

19th Century Mahogany Drop Leaf Table, Pembroke

A neat little drop leaf pembroke table. finish is pretty good but it does have marks from use over the last 150 years or so. A nice turned leg and useful little drawer. Came with another item so it is really cheap to clear it. If a little extra height is needed it can have castor fitted which many did have. Useful for dining or for an occasional table. Either way at £75 for a sold mahogany table that is quite useable and has about 150 years of history its a bargain. Description
69cms tall, can increase with castors if required 97 long 44 wide leaves down, each leaf is 24 cms wide. Dimensions
19th CenturyDate
01565 874075Contact
£75  Price
Euro & Dollar conversion rates as of 5/MAR/2025
Always confirm final price with dealer

Unrestored but useable really cheap to clear 

Seller's Details Limited EditionsSeller
The Barn, Oak Tree FarmAddress
Knutsford Road, Mobberley 
Knutsford, Cheshire 
WA16 7PU 
01565 874075Telephone

Contact Seller