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The Barn, Oak Tree Farm, Knutsford Road,
Mobberley, Cheshire, WA16 7PU

Walnut Dining Suite

A matching dining suite from the early part of the last century. This walnut table and chairs from Boston Cabinet makers Phelps and Bradley is in generally sound condition. It needs re French polishing which is included in the price as is the reupholstery of the chair seats. These can be done in your own fabric of choice and you would need 2.5m unless there is a large pattern when more may be needed. The suite has the original table and set of six chairs, the table having central support legs will extend more and take a further 20 or so inches. We will make further leaves if required subject to the availability of the timber, which currently we have. It is not common to find a fully matched suite and this one does carry the plaques as shown in the pictures. The chairs have the stretchers in the legs for support. A good suite with a table that closes to a round 48inches if space is an issue. It extends to seat any easy six at 67.5inches. One of maybe 50 dining tables and sets of chairs in stock. When visiting please note our opening arrangements.Description
table 48inches round closed extending to 67.5 with current leaves, approx 88inches with further leavesDimensions
Early part of last centuryDate
01565 874075Contact
£2150  Price
Euro & Dollar conversion rates as of 5/SEP/2024
Always confirm final price with dealer

Price is for the suite fully restored and French polished. 
For SaleStatus

Seller's Details Limited EditionsSeller
The Barn, Oak Tree FarmAddress
Knutsford Road, Mobberley 
Knutsford, Cheshire 
WA16 7PU 
01565 874075Telephone

Contact Seller