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for sale
Found 45 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (32 Archived/Sold)
Antique Presentation Ice Pan, English, Bronze
$845.3 €810.2
Antique Preserve Warmer, English, Bronze, Jam Pan
$619.89 €594.15
Antique Chemist's Mortar & Pestle, French Bronze
$369.43 €354.09
Antique Kitchen Mortar & Pestle, English, Bronze
$814 €780.2
Antique Apothecary Mortar & Pestle, English
$814 €780.2
Antique Fireplace Warmer, English, Brass
$432.04 €414.1
Antique Chemist's Mortar & Pestle, English Brass
$619.89 €594.15
Set Of 4 Antique Storage Tins, English
$344.38 €330.08
Vintage Mortar And Pestle, English, Turned Walnut
$369.43 €354.09
Antique Spirit Kettle, English, Brass, Teapot
$745.12 €714.18
Duo Of Antique Mortars, Pestle, English, Bronze
$1120.81 €1074.27
Antique Mortar And Pestle Duo, English, Brass
$1233.52 €1182.3