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Found 290 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (173 Archived/Sold)
Pair Of Vintage Greyhound Dogs Figures
$1728.41 €1675.53
Small Vintage Lidded Urn, Chinese, Hand Painted
$117.71 €114.1
Antique Putti Jardiniere Urn, Italian, Gilt
$1220.42 €1183.08
Vintage Art Deco Serving Ewer, English
$340.73 €330.3
Trio Of Vintage Pie Chimneys, English, Ceramic
$117.71 €114.1
Vintage Bonbon Bowl, English, Ceramic
$365.51 €354.32
Vintage Decorative Sugar Bowl, English, Ceramic
$241.61 €234.21
Vintage Decorative Pouring Ewer, English, Ceramic
$365.51 €354.32
Antique Personal Tea Set, Chinese, Qing Dynasty
$1604.51 €1555.42
Large Antique Custard Pouring Jug, English
$489.41 €474.43
Large Antique Flower Urn, Chinese, Celadon Ceramic
$477.02 €462.42
Large Vintage Pheasant Display Plate, Chinese
$613.31 €594.54