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John Howkins Antiques
Mob: 07770 311611 Tel : 01508 498335
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Private dealer, by appointment only
The Grange, Hempnall Green
Norfolk NR15 2NR
Open: by appointment only.
Cheval MirrorsAntique Chinoiserie MirrorsAntique Console MirrorsConvex MirrorsDressing Table MirrorsGilt MirrorsGiltwood MirrorsGirandole MirrorsOval MirrorsOvermantle MirrorsAntique Painted MirrorsPier MirrorsTable MirrorsWall Mirrors
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for sale
Found 13 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (65 Archived/Sold)
Large 19th.Century Gilded Mirror Frame
$554.31 €531.99
Regency Diminutive Gilded Convex Mirror
$338.75 €325.11
Wonderful Pair Of Candelabra Wall Mirrors Girandol
$732.92 €703.41
Edwardian Mahogany & Inlaid Triptych Cheval Mirror
$1909.29 €1832.41
Regency Mahogany Cheval Mirror
$1539.75 €1477.75
Good Late Victorian Cheval Mirror
$1102.46 €1058.07
Antique Pair Of Girandole Wall Mirrors
$486.56 €466.97
Stunning Antique Walnut Console Table
$4865.61 €4669.69
William IV Mahogany Overmantle Mirror
$363.38 €348.75
Chippendale Style Wall Mirror
$363.38 €348.75
Large Overmantle Mirror
$732.92 €703.41
Inlaid Cheval Mirror
$1324.19 €1270.87