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Daryl Yeates Antiques
Tel : 07970022838
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Private dealer
Showroom open by appointment.
Ewerby, Sleaford
By appointment only, please ring or email with all enquiries.

Welcome to Daryl Yeates Antiques...
Based in Sleaford, Lincolnshire 'Daryl Yeates - Antiques' has a wide range of good quality antiques & interesting collectables. Our stock items are chosen with care to provide total peace of mind for our online customers. We have a good experience of shipping and regularly send items around the world. Inspection and collection of any item is welcome by appointment or please contact us for any further details that you may require.
Latest Items

Huge size vintage butchers pig

Vintage butchers pigs

Majapahit Eastern Javanese Bronze Standing Boar

Tooled leather pitch pine window seat

Vintage Clerks Desk -Restaurant Front Of House etc

'Children's Games' Large print after Pieter Bruegel

James Grant 10 Downing Street Original Etching

Vintage wicker drawer unit

Iron coopered oak barrel

French Wire Basket With Fruit, Mid 20th Century

Antique travel trunk by J Burton & Bro

Quality heavy brass table lamp

Quality vintage onyx table lamp

Vintage labelled decorative trunk

Faux Alligator Vintage Trunk

Interesting African ceremonial sword & scabbard

Pair African Benin Bronze King/Queen Statues,c1950

African Benin Bronze Head Of Oba Bronze Bini-Edo

1960's Triang Pedal Scooter

Islamic wall hanging / Hammock Cradle

Oak arm chair

Thornton & Herne Coaching table

F. Beardmore & Co. Staple repair large Utopia jug

4 Antique English oak chairs circa 1860 Free delivery