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Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Proprietor: Alan Othick
Tel : 07769293827, Centre no. 01274 592103
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2nd Floor, Salts Mill
Victorian Road, Saltaire
Shipley, West Yorkshire BD18 3LA
Open: Wed, Thurs & Fri 11am - 4pm. Sat and Sun 11am - 4.30pm. Mon - Tues closed.
Antique Treenware AshtraysHat BlocksTreen Jars Pots ContainersNutcrackersSnuff BoxesTobacco JarsAntique Wood CarvingsBowls and Plates
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for sale
Found 5 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 5. (17 Archived/Sold)
Early 19th Century Coquilla Nut Nutmeg Grater£195
$244.74 €235.76
Early 19th Century Carved Wooden Snuff Box £295
$370.25 €356.66
Early 20th Century Novelty Perfume Bottle Holder £320
$401.63 €386.88
Early 20th Century Reslaw Milliners Hat Block. £425
$533.42 €513.83
George III Carved Wood Hazelnut Cracker £225
$282.4 €272.03