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Doe and Hope
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Private dealer, by appointment
The Onion Barn, Shoe Cottage
15 High Street, Blunham,
Bedfordshire, MK44 3NL.
Please don't hesitate to contact us for an appointment.
Bedroom FurnitureBenchesChairsChestsDressersCountry / Farmhouse TablesStoolsOccasional / Side / Other TablesBedsBookcases / SecretairesCabinetsChest of DrawersCountry ChairsCupboardsDesks / Writing TablesDining Chairs / Chair SetsDining Tables / Dining FurnitureGames TablesWall FurnitureMiscellaneous FurnitureSofas / Settees / Salon SuitesSewing TablesSideboards, Credenzas, ChiffoniersStands / Hall FurnitureWardrobes
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for sale
Found 18 For Sale items, displaying 1 to 12. (442 Archived/Sold)
A George III Period Mahogany Side Table C.1800
$764.93 €692.58
Victorian Painted Pine Chest Of Drawers C.1880-190
$764.93 €692.58
Fine Late Regency Rosewood & Ebonised Side Table
$1253.46 €1134.9
Stained Pine Bank Of Twenty-One Drawers C.1890
$2436.21 €2205.78
Pair Of C.1900 French Gothic Revival Oak Benches
$2056.96 €1862.4
Late 19thC Bleached Pine Chest Of Drawers C.1900
$1086.33 €983.58
Unusual Early 19thC Fruitwood & Beech Centre Table
$3728.24 €3375.6
Late 18thC Scottish Oval-Back Armchair C.1780-90
$1542.72 €1396.8
George III Mahogany Butterfly Pembroke Table
$1150.61 €1041.78
Unusual 19thC Sarcophagus Ottoman C.1840-60
$1150.61 €1041.78
Decorative Provincial Painted Oak Side Table C1900
$636.37 €576.18
Fine French Carved Giltwood Open Armchair C.1880
$2281.94 €2066.1