Christmas at Home
Found 1978 For Sale and Sold ( 1455 for sale 523 sold )
$917.63 €890.78
Fine French Grand Tour Bronze Bust Of Menelaus C.1870Signature Antiques
$4832.83 €4691.42
Georgian Oak Housekeepers CupboardHEB Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
Antique Wine Bottle Cooler, German, Silver PlatedLondon Fine Antiques
$256.94 €249.42
Hunting Inspired Brass Fireside Companion Set.Michael Allcroft Antiques
$605.63 €587.91
Antique Wine Bottle Cooler, Welsh, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
Antique Bottle Cooler, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques
$972.68 €944.22
Victorian Carved Oak Hall SeatFernyhough Antiques
$3058.75 €2969.25
Vintage Model 401 Armchair By Alvar AaltoMarylebone Antiques
$2691.7 €2612.94
19thC Italian Marquetry Inlaid Card TableChurch Street Antiques
$605.63 €587.91
Robert Mouseman Thompson Oak BookendsSelect Antiques
$3425.8 €3325.56
Pair Of Mahogany Salver Stands Harveys Antiques
$3976.38 €3860.03
An Extravagant Regency Rosewood ConsoleGravener Antiques
$7279.83 €7066.82
Superb Cylinder Desk In The Manner Of John McleanGravener Antiques
$825.86 €801.7
Antique Regency Mahogany Drop Leaf TableMarylebone Antiques
$6117.5 €5938.5
The Grey Horse Hunting Oil Painting By MillaisCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
$422.11 €409.76
A Pair Of Chunky Brass Bedside Lamps Elmgarden
$917.63 €890.78
Antique Biedermeier Birch & Ebony Coffee TableMarylebone Antiques
$134.59 €130.65
Sydney Maiden Watercolour Of Arundel 1960Torr Antiques & Decorative Arts
$152.94 €148.46
Antique Serpentine Shape Silver Pin Cushion 1910The Fancy Fox
$1835.25 €1781.55
Antique Painting On Panel Depicting Hermit Parino Mercato Antiquario
$605.63 €587.91
Vintage Folding 3 Seater Cinema SeatsPeppermill Interiors
$397.64 €386
Antique Scottish Poker-work Milking Stool.Vladds Interiors
$3976.38 €3860.03
French Gilded 10 Light Antique ChandelierO'Keeffe Antiques And Interiors
$12235 €11877
Neil Gow Jockey Danny Maher Up At Newmarket Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
$2875.23 €2791.1
Early 19th Century Mahogany SideboardPrichard Antiques
$1039.98 €1009.55
19thc Ash, Elm & Fruitwood Comb Back Windsor ChairLVS Decorative Arts
$1559.96 €1514.32
Antique Side Table, Chinese, EbonisedLondon Fine Antiques
$727.98 €706.68
Antique Figured Walnut Coffee TableMarylebone Antiques