Oak Antiques

Common Oak. Hardwood - a strong, durable heavy timber particularly

Found 39729 For Sale and Sold    ( 4575 for sale  35154 sold )  
Arts And Crafts Card Table £250 $313.08   €300.08 Arts And Crafts Card Table Coastal Antiques Art Deco Oak Ships Chest Of Drawers £250 $313.08   €300.08 Art Deco Oak Ships Chest Of Drawers Coastal Antiques Good Quality Edwardian Oak Stationery Box. C.1910.£325 $407   €390.1 Good Quality Edwardian Oak Stationery Box. C.1910.Michael Allcroft Antiques Late Victorian  Oak Knee Hole Desk£975 $1220.99   €1170.29 Late Victorian Oak Knee Hole DeskJames R Millington Antiques
Carved Oak Drawers Chest Of Drawers£795 $995.58   €954.24 Carved Oak Drawers Chest Of DrawersThe Vintage Interiors Carved Oak French Chest£495 $619.89   €594.15 Carved Oak French ChestThe Vintage Interiors French Oak Kingsize Bed£995 $1246.04   €1194.3 French Oak Kingsize BedThe Vintage Interiors Arts & Crafts Oak Coat Rack & Umbrella Stick Stand£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Arts & Crafts Oak Coat Rack & Umbrella Stick StandChurch Street Antiques
Carved Bleached Oak Console Table £1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Carved Bleached Oak Console Table LT Antiques Characterful French Oak Farmhouse Dining Table £3250 $4069.98   €3900.98 Characterful French Oak Farmhouse Dining Table Sussex Antiques And Interiors A Pair Of Late 17th Century Panels.£260 $325.6   €312.08 A Pair Of Late 17th Century Panels.Youngs Antiques 16thc Carved & Panelled Grain Coffer C1580£4000 $5009.2   €4801.2 16thc Carved & Panelled Grain Coffer C1580Salisbury Antiques Centre
Tall Antique Country Manor Corner Cabinet, Scots£6950 $8703.49   €8342.09 Tall Antique Country Manor Corner Cabinet, ScotsLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of Victorian Bergere Chairs£650 $814   €780.2 Pair Of Victorian Bergere ChairsSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Large Georgian 19th Century Gateleg Dining Table£695.00 $870.35   €834.21 Large Georgian 19th Century Gateleg Dining TableCeltic Antiques Antique Carved Coffer, English, Oak, Linen Chest£3450 $4320.44   €4141.04 Antique Carved Coffer, English, Oak, Linen ChestLondon Fine Antiques
Antique 4 Panel Coffer, English, Oak, Linen, Mule£2650 $3318.6   €3180.8 Antique 4 Panel Coffer, English, Oak, Linen, MuleLondon Fine Antiques French Bleached Oak Trestle Farmhouse Dining Table£2250 $2817.68   €2700.68 French Bleached Oak Trestle Farmhouse Dining TableSussex Antiques And Interiors Large French Bleached Oak Farmhouse Coffee Table £650 $814   €780.2 Large French Bleached Oak Farmhouse Coffee Table Sussex Antiques And Interiors Rustic French Oak Coffee Table£595 $745.12   €714.18 Rustic French Oak Coffee TableSussex Antiques And Interiors
Four Panel Folding Oak And Glass Screen£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Four Panel Folding Oak And Glass ScreenPareglio & Ayres Antiques Rare Pair French Commode Chests Of Drawers £2500 $3130.75   €3000.75 Rare Pair French Commode Chests Of Drawers Sussex Antiques And Interiors Quality Bleached Oak Filing Cabinet £595 $745.12   €714.18 Quality Bleached Oak Filing Cabinet Sussex Antiques And Interiors Pair French Marble Top Bedside Cupboards £695 $870.35   €834.21 Pair French Marble Top Bedside Cupboards Sussex Antiques And Interiors
Oak Cased Barograph, Stormograph, Model 2303 £590 $738.86   €708.18 Oak Cased Barograph, Stormograph, Model 2303 Georgian Antiques American Oak Sheriffs Office Desk Chair (c.1910)£1095 $1371.27   €1314.33 American Oak Sheriff's Office Desk Chair (c.1910)Yola Gray Antiques A Rare 17th Century Oak Cricket Table £2450 $3068.14   €2940.74 A Rare 17th Century Oak Cricket Table Harveys Antiques Scottish Oak Luggage Rack£265 $331.86   €318.08 Scottish Oak Luggage RackMillers Antiques Of Wooler