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Pair of Red Leather & Velvet Club Armchairs c.1940

Pair of Red Leather & Velvet Club Armchairs c.1940 Pair armchairs  pair leather armchairs club armchairs %%alt5%% %%alt6%%
The comfortable and wonderfully low slung and deep pair of brass hobnail studded club armchairs in ruby red leather with red velvet seats, having late art deco inspired angular backs and modular type arms sitting on stump block legs and surviving from mid-twentieth century England.

In largely untouched condition the chairs are worn and supple, with a great decorative look and feel. There are two tears to the lower front section to one chair and then two other small ones as photographed. Please note that we are able to patch repair the tears and blend in if so desired at cost with our upholsterer.

These chairs certainly fit into the ‘club’ furniture bracket, popular from zeniths of the nineteenth century going into the twentieth. The word club chair harks back to the gentlemen\'s clubs in nineteenth century England where a gentleman could go to get away from his household (including womenfolk). Once there, he would sink into a well-upholstered leather chair and relax with a drink and perhaps a cigar. The names of the fashionable London streets full of such clubs are still used to name classic club chairs: St. James, Piccadilly and so on. A dictionary definition of a club chair or sofa is \"A heavily upholstered piece of furniture with arms and a low back\". The circular arms soon turned to square shaped later in the development of this type of chair as we see in these examples.

Ravishingly roomy and red.
£1350.00  UK
$1672.65  USA
1621.49  EU
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Conversion rates as of 10/FEB/2025. Euro & Dollar prices will vary and should only be used as a guide.
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Category Post 1940 Furniture Date c.1935-55  1950s Antiques Material Leather Origin English Item code as155a2206 / 2341 Status For Sale

SellerDoe And Hope

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Doe And Hope

Doe and HopePrivate dealer, By appointment only
The Onion Barn, Shoe Cottage,
15 High Street, Blunham,
Bedfordshire, MK44 3NL.
MK44 3NL

Tel : 07729 213013

Non UK callers : +44 7729 213013

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Pair of Red Leather & Velvet Club Armchairs c.1940
as155a2206 / 2341



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